Saturday, September 5, 2009

I love fluffy vampires

I know, how random eh? Well this was exactly what was printed on a shirt at a store I shop at. Being a very random person myself, I was going to buy it (but it wasnt in my size), so I could appreciate the total randomocity of the shirt. But people, what is going on? Why DO you love fluffy vampires? I think it is because of these recent movies and tv shoes that are coming out, in which vampires lurv hoomans. See, this is not how it is supposed to be, vampires are supposed to bring maximum keelage upon hoomans, and we are to be afraid. Such as in the very awesome movie 30 Days of Night. Vampires do not love us, the vant to suck our blood, and then keel us.
I still however, want that shirt.

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