Thursday, September 10, 2009

AGT FTW and the mental voteoff

As I sit here watching America's Got Talent my ears are bleeding from an exceptionally gay Broadway performance (though not as badly as when the "HOFF" sang). Lets just say I'm glad I didn't have a gun or I would have shot the tv and my self :)
I'm a little behind on the shows that i TIVOed but here on some of my thoughts on the lamers and the winners:
I'm glad they voted the dancing children off, it was about time, who is going to go to Vegas to watch 2 9 year olds??
I was all for guy who juggles chainsaws until he came out and tap danced (badly) and then did neither set himself on fire OR swallow non food items.
Footworkings made my ankles hurt just watching them.
Also, I have my guy (even if I can't remember his name). The one who plays guitar and sang How to Save a Life and Careless Whisper has my vote, just for singing two of my all time favourite songs.
Dear President Obama, plz dont time your speeches with shows that Americans care way more about and thereby having their TIVOs cut the episode short
- Your fellow American

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