Sunday, September 27, 2009

The kids are not alright
I'm not going to run down the street yelling THE GOVERNMENT IS TAKING OUR KIDS AWAY OMG!! Especially since I don't have any. I do have a personal interest in this though because I hated school, not because I hated learning, but because I was constantly bothered by the other children. Its not just me either, this is the reasons school shootings happen. Now Obama, who I've always liked btw, wants us to go to school MORE. I'm going all Nam flashback here with what a horrible time I had and how it completely ruined my life. Kids barely get to spend enough time with their parents as it is. Parents dont understand their kids and kids dont understand their parents. One of the reasons listed is that so poorer children's parents won't have to worry about feeding them. Thats AWFUL. This is so much bigger than handing kids over to strangers to be taken care of because some people are too neglectful to take care of them. This is about people who shouldnt have had kids in the first place. Getting pregnant is easier than buying a car, a house, or saving for retirement. It doesn't take any thought to have kids, and thats not right. There should be a process that people go through, the same kind of process that one goes through to adopt a child, to make sure that you are suited to having children. I know I'm not suited to have a child, and I'm not going to, no matter what kind of pressure different people put on me saying that because I'm a woman I should have this kind of natural instinct to. I might have the natural instinct to pee in the middle of a grocery store because I have to go but I'm going to hold it until I get home because peeing in public is disgusting and harmful to others. Same with me or yous mutant child being pushed onto society. So heres the short of it. World: Stop having so many kids, take care of the ones you have.

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